
Physics Lab

In the present curriculum, the importance of Science Labs have increased due to the fact that students can't learn properly unless they perform experiments themselves. The science lab is well equipped with State-of-Art Physics Lab material, Chemicals, Physical balance and Telescopes etc.


Bio Lab

Our labs are well equipped with the latest apparatus Students in a hands-on science programme will remember the subject matter better, feel a sense of accomplishment when the task is completed, and be able to transfer that experience easier to other learning situations. Science education aims to provide scientific literacy for all as part of a liberal education and to prepare students for further study, and research work.


Chemistry Lab

I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand. The Science laboratory experiences provide opportunities for students to interact directly with the material or with data drawn, using the tools, data collection techniques, models and theories of science.


Computer Lab

The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing.

Douglas Engelbart

Computer Education is gathering momentum with the ever – increasing urge of the child to explore a world beyond the texts. Computer-education has been introduced as a compulsory subject to prepare the children to meet the challenges of the modern competitive world. The students shall be awarded grades instead of marks in this subject.


Maths Lab

To facilitate directed discovery, learning and develop analytical thinking, we have provided the students with a well-equipped Maths lab. Our highly qualified and experienced Maths faculty imparts a strong logical orientation to the entire learning experience.
